A Few Words Straight from
The Heart
A Word from Our CEO, Sharon Avis
Together, the Israeli young adults dream and pave the road to fulfillment
True and sustainable change is only possible when working hand in hand with partners from a variety of levels and parts of society

Dear Partners and Friends,
2022 was a special year for Tozeret Haaretz – the Israeli young communities movement. This year, we celebrated our 10th anniversary. Ten years of meaningful action for the benefit of young adults throughout Israel.
Since the fall following the social protests of summer 2011, when the first group of 18 pioneer students settled in Lod and decided to live the change they dreamed of seeing in Israeli society, Tozeret Haaretz grew and became an inspiring force that leaves its mark and creates thriving centers of life in 15 cities throughout Israel.
Over 1,100 Tozeret Haaretz community members are socially active in their communities from Kiriyat Shemona in the north to Dimona in the south. They establish and create community life, social & cultural frameworks, and answer the needs of the young adults in their city. They establish social initiatives and touch the lives of tens of thousands of people across the country.
This year, Tozeret Haaretz continued to establish the 'Young Communal Networks' with the help of the community members. Tozeret Haaretz' Student Program alumni, along with local young adults, come together and create the 'Young Communal Network'. Together, they dream and pave the road to fulfillment. They develop social initiatives for young adults in the fields of education, employment, housing, and culture. For example, Tozeret Haaretz' line of social pubs - 'Public', operating in Netivot, Kiriyat Malachi, and Lod, is continuing to spread throughout the country. There are 3 new Kindergartens in Lod and a new one in Netivot, along with a new elementary school in Lod. There are cultural events and concerts for young adults throughout the country, bike riding groups, support groups for new mothers, and so much more.
Our staff wakes up every morning with a sense of purpose and responsibility. Our community coordinators, community managers, and leadership members are creating a new and better reality for young adults in every place we set foot. All this, with the help of social entrepreneurship tools, creative thinking skills, inspiring vision, and professional and dedicated leadership. I would like to take the opportunity and address all of Tozeret Haaretz' team members and proudly say "You are the incredible force of change, and you are doing an important job like no other. I am proud of each and every one of you!"
I believe that true and sustainable change is only possible when working hand in hand with partners from a variety of levels and parts of society. We, at Tozeret Haaretz, operate in every field of activity in collaboration with significant partners in order to produce deep social change that can lead to a better reality.
Thank you, our dear partners, from the academic institutions, the local and regional authorities, philanthropic foundations, sister movements, government ministries, social organizations, and other representative bodies for a courageous and long-term partnership in vision and action.
In the tumultuous time in which we live, saturated with divisive opinions and beliefs, Tozeret Haaretz is a small island of unity and brotherhood. Tozeret Haaretz community members are comprised of young Israeli men and women from all parts of Israeli society: secular, religious, ultra-Orthodox, Arabs, new immigrants, LGBT, from the country and the city, from the north, the south, and central Israel - this is a microcosm of the beautiful and colorful Israel. We all sit around the same table together, out of mutual respect and acceptance of the other, along with the understanding that differences and diversity are the beauty and strength that we must embrace and from which to grow.
This past year, in which we deepened our roots on the one hand, and grew and expanded on the other was another year on the long road in which we march towards the social change we dream of living. We are continuing in our way of creating vibrant and young life centers in the cities of Israel's future and enabling young men and women to choose and create for themselves a better present and future.
We are here to stay.
Sharon Avis
CEO of Tozeret Haaretz
Israel's Young Community Movement
2022 by the numbers
active Young Adult Communities throughout the country, from Kiryat Shemona to Dimona
participants on the Tozeret Haaretz Student Scholarship Program
active Young Communal Network members
have joined Tozeret Haaretz’ communities since its establishment
hours dedicated to community building
hours dedicated to community activity


Tozeret Haaretz' Student Scholarship Program - in collaboration with the Planning and Budgeting Committee and 15 Municipalities and Local Authorities. 800 students join a two-year program in which they live in communities, each comprised of 20 members throughout the country, and work together for the benefit of the young adults in the city, in exchange for a scholarship.

Tozeret Haaretz' Young Communal Network – in collaboration with The Ministry of Settlement Affairs and 8 Municipalities and Local Authorities. Alumni of the Tozeret Haaretz' Student Scholarship Program along with other local young adults work together to improve the quality of life in the city.

Led by Tozeret Haaretz Members
This year, Tozeret Haaretz celebrated a decade since its establishment in an exciting event that took place in the city where it all began - Lod.
We were proud to invite all our partners along with 500 community members from all over the country to celebrate, reflect on 10 years of activity, look toward to the next decade, and state out loud - we are here to stay!
This year, the 2022 Young Adults Conference was held by the National Union of Israeli Students in collaboration with Tozeret Haaretz, and Keshet 12 – media channel.
The conference focused on the topics that are most significant to young adults in Israel today – leadership, education, housing, finance, employment, culture, and more.
Over 1,500 students from the Tozeret Haaretz communities from all academic institutions in Israel, young adults ages 20-35, influencers, experts from various fields and civil society organizations working with young adults in Israel took part in the event.
It was simply fascinating!

We can go on and on about all the amazing things we did in 2022, but you won't hear the end of it.
We prefer to stop here and thank you for your partnership along this journey, for believing in our work, and yes, also for reading thus far. That's it for the Tozeret Haaretz' annual report for 2022.
We are continuing our important work, expanding to additional places and sectors in Israeli society, and our effort to influence as many young adults in Israel as possible.
We're here to stay.

So… what do you think?